Inspired by the short and courageous life of Ezra Lionheart Fernandez, the Lionheart Legacy Fund provides critical support for Angels Foster Care children with specialized medical, behavioral, or educational needs.

Ezra Lionheart Fernandez was born in June 2017 at just 24 weeks and weighing less than 1.5 pounds. His Angels Foster Care parents, Eric and Sara, first met Ezra in the NICU at a local hospital and travelled with him to Valley Children’s Hospital. It was a whirlwind of specialized care, with many ups and downs, but Ezra kept on fighting. Eric and Sara called him “Ezra Lionheart” due to his indomitable spirit.

Despite the best possible care, Ezra’s condition worsened. Eric and Sara were devastated when doctors told them that Ezra would live for only a few more weeks. They knew that it would be best for Ezra to pass away at home, surrounded by his Angels parents, Angels grandparents and Angels cousins, but foster care rules prevented Ezra from leaving the hospital.

Angels Foster Care sprang into action. Working with community partners, Ezra’s Angels social worker secured permission from our state licensing agency to move Ezra to the Fernandez’s home. This was truly a team effort. Our local Child Dependency Court judge issued critical court orders and SB County Child Welfare Services endorsed the plan.

After 153 days of hospitalization Ezra finally came home with Eric and Sara. His condition required constant care. Angels Foster Care arranged for daily monitoring by an Angels RN, sixteen hours per week of additional nursing care, and specialized medical equipment.

The Lionheart Legacy Fund will help Angels Foster Care children who, like Ezra, have complicated needs. Money raised will pay for items such as specialized nursing care, therapeutic preschool, medical monitoring equipment and more.

To donate to the Lionheart Legacy Fund please click the button below. You can also contact Angels Foster Care at 805-884-0012 or email